Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027
The five-year strategic plan was approved by the Board of Education on August 26, 2021.
View Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Updates
December 2021 Update on Goals 1 and 3
January 2022 Update on Goals 2 and 4
FY2024 Update
Strategic Planning Process
In the spring of 2021, District 31 began the strategic planning process.The foundation for planning for the future requires continuous improvement and rests upon the pillars of mission, vision, values, goals and strategies. Each of these pillars asks a different questions of educators within the system.
Mission: What is our fundamental purpose; why do we exist?
Vision: What must we become in order to accomplish our fundamental purpose?
Core Values: How must we behave to achieve our mission, vision and goals?
Goals: How will we know if we are making a difference?
Strategies: What needs our attention?
(Adapted from DuFour, DuFour, Eaker and Many: Learning By Doing)
The Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) was selected to facilitate the strategic planning process. CEC has a wealth of experience in strategic planning and has assisted several of our neighboring communities in the process.
The purpose of the Readiness/Introduction Session was to acquaint the district with the strategic planning process. The Orientation session painted the “The Big Picture” of the strategic planning process so that all strategic planning team members had a shared understanding of the process and their roles and responsibilities in helping the district set clear direction for the future. The purpose of the Data Retreat was to answer the question, “Where are we now?” The purpose of the Visioning Retreat was to answer the question, “Where do we want to be?” The purpose of the Setting Direction Retreat was to answer the question, “How do we get from where we are to where we want to be?” The purpose of the Final Meeting of the strategic plan team was to review feedback from stakeholders on the draft of the new plan and make any refinements to the plan. The district used a Plan-Do-Study-Act process to develop strategy action plans. Living the plan is a set of critical strategies designed to ensure the strategic plan continues to lead the District in the years to come.
Strategic Planning Team
2021 Strategic Planning Documents
- Student Growth and Achievement slideshow and handouts
- Culture: Learning and Working Environments slideshow and handouts
- Resources: Finance, Facilities and Technology slideshow and handouts
- Perception Data Information Sheet
- SWOT Analysis Draft
For questions regarding the Strategic Plan, please contact Dr. Erin Murphy, Superintendent of Schools, at