Welcome to District 31!
District 31 consists of two schools: Winkelman Elementary School serves students in preschool through 5th grade. Field Middle School serves students 6th through 8th grade. District boundaries include portions of Glenview and Northbrook as well as some areas of unincorporated Cook County. Both schools have won the coveted Blue Ribbon Award from the United States Department of Education and other honors.
Mission: Empowering every student to make a positive impact on tomorrow’s community
Administrative Office
3131 Techny Road
1919 Landwehr Road
2055 Landwehr Road
The District houses approximately 905 children who speak over 25 languages, and a talented, diverse staff to support our mission of inclusiveness. Class sizes range between 15 and 22. The school day, schedule, teaching practices and educational setting at both Winkelman and Field Schools are tailored to best provide a developmentally appropriate, yet rigorous learning environment meeting the unique needs of every learner.
Programs are available to provide extra challenge and enrichment as well as additional support. Hands-on learning and stimulating educational experiences provide students with varied opportunities to interact with the material in meaningful ways. Technology is used as a tool to support instruction and further enhance the learning experience. iPads are provided to every student in grades K – 2nd and Chromebooks are provided to every student in grade 3rd through 8th. Social and emotional learning is also emphasized. Click here for a District map in pdf format (July 2022).
School District 31 is committed to empowering students and families through proactive communications. This Communications Plan sets forth a proactive approach to foster efficient, transparent, and effective public communication for District 31.
- District 31 sends text messages about important news, events, and emergency situations. Subscribe by texting “yes” to 67587. District 31 also uses Talking Points allowing for two-way communication with families in 145 different languages.
- Principals send out weekly messages with school specific information and events.
- Winkelman teachers send out twice monthly communication via email or Seesaw and Field teachers send out monthly grade-level newsletters.
- The District sends out monthly enewsletters comprised of district-wide updates, important district and community information, and upcoming events.
- Emergency Voice and Text Notification System Families will receive text or call notifications from the District in the event of emergency situations or critical school alerts. Examples include: school closures, evacuation notices, lockdowns, and threats. Website
- The website is the primary source for the District’s most up-to-date information for families, staff, and all other stakeholders. Updates are made each day by District staff to ensure transparent, up-to-date information to the public at all times.
- Board of Education Meetings Board of Education Meetings are held once a month. The public is welcome to attend. Those who cannot attend in person can watch meetings live via Zoom. Meeting minutes are available on the District’s Board Docs website.
- The District actively utilizes Facebook (facebook.com/ WestNorthfieldD31).
- Skyward Skyward provides student class schedules, attendance records, progress reports, and other important information.
- The District sends out press releases as needed to all local media
West Northfield School was originally K-8 and was located at 3030 Sanders where Allstate is located now.
In 1965, the West Northfield School District Board named the district's second school, Field Middle School (6-8), after Stanley Field, nephew of Marshall Field, a civic leader, and former executive of Marshall Field and Company. The Board President at the time of naming explained, “When our students make trips to the museum, they enter through Stanley Field Hall, and they can be proud that the school they attend is also named after him.” Stanley Field was also instrumental in establishing the Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium and Grant Park. Other than the board describing Stanley as a civic leader, there was no particular reason given as to why it was named after him as he wasn’t from the area and he did not donate money. The board of education at the time considered four other names when building Field in the 60’s: John F. Kennedy School, Techland School, Nor-Tech School, and West Northfield East School. The elementary building on Sanders retained the name of West Northfield School (K-5). The original Field structure housed an “all purpose room, an office suite, a teacher’s lounge, nurse’s quarters and six classrooms.” There have been several additions including the auditorium and art wing in the 1990s. A photo of Stan remains in the Superintendent Office of Dr. Erin Murphy.
Henry Winkelman Elementary School was built in 1980, and an addition was done in 2002 and then again in 2018. Winkelman School was named after Henry Winkelman, the original janitor. He was a kind, caring, and helpful person. After he passed away, there was a contest to name the school and his name was the winner because he was so beloved.