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Virtual Backpack

Northbrook Park District

Northwesten Soccer Camp

North Suburban YMCA Kids Mindfulness Classes and Workshops


Northbrook Symphony ORchestra 2024-2025 Concert Season

The Northbrook Symphony Orchestra (“NSO”) is excited to announce its 2024-2025 concert season under Music Director Mina Zikri’s leadership.

The subscription season began October 27 and concludes June 8. All concerts take place Sundays at 4 p.m. at Glenbrook North High School’s Sheely Center for the Performing Arts.

Visit the NSO website at for more information.

Northbrook Girls Softball

Registration is now open for the Northbrook Girls Softball Spring 2025 House

League Season! NGSA’s House League accepts Kindergarten thru 8th graders regardless of experience or ability. The main priorities of the league are having fun while participating in low-pressure softball instruction. Click here for more information and to register:

Northbrook Action Baseball

Registration for Northbrook Action Baseball

Spring 2025 Season is now open for boys and girls PreK  thru 2nd Grade. Visit the website for online registration and more information. The season starts in the end of April and runs thru June.


Chicago youth orchestra


Russian School of Mathematics

View information about this program here

How do I get my event in the Virtual Backpack?

To be included in the District’s Virtual Backpack, an organization must be a local tax-supported community agency, a not-for-profit community organization offering sports and recreation program options for students, or a charitable group which has a current service learning connection or curricular connection with our schools or class groups.

Organizations that meet the criteria noted in paragraph two may include flyers that promote their services, activities, or events and a web link to their respective websites. Flyers must:

  • Be in PDF format 
  • Not refer to fundraisers unless the program is sponsored by District #31 
  • Not conflict with public tax supported efforts already in effect