Summer Kang Wins Field Middle School Spelling Bee
Summer Kang Wins Field Middle School Spelling Bee
Summer Kang Wins Field Middle School Spelling Bee
Summer Kang won Field Middle School’s second Scripps Spelling Bee on January 16 in the Field Middle School Auditorium spelling the final word “diaphragm”. Kang was one of nine students who qualified for the Spelling Bee.
Kang will move on to the North Cook ISC Regional Qualifier on Tuesday, February 25 at 7 p.m. at Lincoln Hall Middle School in Lincolnwood with a snow date on Thursday, February 27. The top three contestants from the North Cook Regional Qualifier Spelling Bee will represent North Cook County at the Regional Spelling Bee.
The Field Middle School Spelling Bee participants were Anaya Kanji, Nathan Park (runner up), Jade Yeom, Summer Kang, Rachel Ly, Amin Nazrishoev, Kailyn Pak, Kryssa Perna, and Katelyn Yau.
The event was organized by Mrs. Nisha Gandhi (8th grade Math teacher), Dr. Duygu Kazkondu (6th Multilingual teacher), and Mrs. Nancy Kim (8th grade ELA teacher).